Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"If you want the creator to laugh..."

How's the rest of that one go?

Today I got a paper cut and a plane ticket to Hong Kong. Hey, do you want to see my itinerary? Let me tell you guys my plans!

10/04 : Newport News, VA to Arlington, VA
10/05 : Arlington, VA to Santa Cruz, CA
10/05 - 10/08 : visit with Anaïs in Santa Cruz
10/08 : Santa Cruz to San Francisco
10/09 : San Francisco to Beijing, Chiiiiiiiiiina
10/09 - 10/19 : SRF2007
10/20 : Beijing to Hong Kong
10/20 - 10/23 : visit with Michelle Pardini
10/23 : Hong Kong to Beijing
10/24 : Beijing to San Francisco to Santa Cruz
10/24 - 10/27 : visit with Anaïs in Santa Cruz
10/27 : Santa Cruz to Arlington, VA
10/28 : Arlington, VA to Newport News

This is roughly 20,000 miles, give or take 50 miles. If you follow the equator, the Earth is 24,901.55 miles around. It's a lot of carbon I'll want to offset later, but in relative terms I guess it's no more driving than people do just looking for parking spots.

Want to hear something crazy? My flight back from China to SFO departs at noon and arrives at 8:00 am. That's right, I'll be traveling back in time. If there are some early-morning horse races in San Francisco, email me a list of the outcomes and I'll split the winnings with you 60/40.

Tomorrow is my last (full) day in Newport News before I leave. I ought to get some sleep, huh?


Scott said...

your blog needs more pictures.

Daniel Bowring said...

Pictures are on the menu for tomorrow. Any other suggestions?

Scott said...


About Me

My photo
Daniel is a grad student at UVA, working on his PhD at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA. His girlfriend lives in California. Daniel's work will take him to China this month, hence this web-log.