Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Anaïs!

I slogged away yesterday on an informal presentation for my group at the lab. They just wanted me to talk for a little bit about what I'm up to. I worked on this presentation to the exclusion of everything else, including a party (shame on me) and this blog (meh). I did this because today, October 7, is Anaïs's birthday and I wanted to spend it with her instead of her computer.

We wandered around the part of Santa Cruz that borders Monterey Bay and had a fantastic time. There were Sea Lions who perched themselves on the wharf at high tide and then got stranded as the water receded. They sounded like this: HURR HURR HURR. While we sat and ate lunch, I watched a seagull swallow five individually-wrapped pats of butter. Whole.

Fun Chinese Fact:
The Chinese word for problem is composed of the character for hair and the character for illness. That is fantastic.

Tomorrow I'm headed for San Francisco. I'll spend the night with my cousin David and then it's off to China in the morning. Yikes!

1 comment:

erdomi said...

Hey, Dan! This post was awesome! My favorite part was the part about the HURR. Oh, and the lumpy picture.

Love, Rachele

About Me

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Daniel is a grad student at UVA, working on his PhD at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA. His girlfriend lives in California. Daniel's work will take him to China this month, hence this web-log.