Thursday, October 25, 2007

Back in the States.

Here is how I feel: bleahbleahbleahbleahbleah. A twelve-hour flight preceded by a four-hour airport experience will do that, I guess.

Two days ago, I was seriously planning on spending the night at Beijing airport. My argument went like this: I'm going to get back from Hong Kong late at night on Tuesday, and there's no point in paying a bunch of money for a hotel room that I'll only be able to stay in for six hours or so. (I was assuming, here, that any hotel I would want to stay at was at least 30 or 45 minutes away from the airport.) This would've meant 12 hours or so spent in the lobby of Beijing airport. I was thinking that it would be a good idea since after staying up all night on Tuesday I would definitely for sure be able to sleep on my flight all the way back to the States.


When I got off the flight from Hong Kong I sort of booked a hotel room at the airport without really realizing what I was doing. So tired. I was so tired I said this to the poor airport hotel reservation lady: "Are there any airports near the hotel?" She got very confused.

I ended up paying around US$60 for a tiny room in the "Beijing Olympic Airportel", which to its credit was clean and cheap and very close to the hotel. I mean the airport. Two comments:

1) The Beijing Olympic Airportel was obviously converted from a trashy apartment building. The room had a balcony, but the balcony was walled off and I would've had to kick out the window screen to get to it. (See first photo.)

2) The Beijing Olympic Airportel was so small that there wasn't room for a shower stall/bathtub. (See second photo.)

The flight itself went smoothly but now I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy and in Santa Cruz with Anaïs and I'm glad to be home.

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About Me

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Daniel is a grad student at UVA, working on his PhD at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA. His girlfriend lives in California. Daniel's work will take him to China this month, hence this web-log.